Monday, April 12, 2010


Today, I wonder. I wonder why God loved me enough to send His only son to die for ME? He created a perfect world for man to live in, but it wasn't seems we always want more. How does God continue to love us when we are very unlovable so often? Putting on the Sunday morning 'happy face' just doesn't cut it!!! We, as a society are so lazy in our service to God! We should continually be trying to figure out how to glorify Him in every situation we face. Not just calling on Him when we are in trouble and forgetting His name when things are going well. I'm preaching to myself! I want to be what God planned for me to be. The only way to do that, is to seek Him diligently and listen when He speaks. Of course the next step is to do what He has told us to do. If we are hearers only, we're not putting God's plan into action. Lord, I pray tonight- please continue to be patient with me. I want to do your will. I want to help further your kingdom. Help me God to stay focused on you and not to get side tracked by life. I want to see trust become a greater factor in my life. Thank you Lord for always being faithful, for being my rock. Man has failed me many times, but You have always been the one thing that I could always count on and I think You for that! Help me to rely on You! I love you!!! 4/12/09 ggfayelaRue